The HALB PTA partners with the parent body and the HALB administration to provide enriching and exciting activities and events for the HALB faculty and students. We would like to share with you a recap of the educational and innovative activities that the PTA has sponsored throughout the year. Thank you to all who have attended and supported these many events - you have been an integral part of making the following activities possible this year:

1st Day Gift for Elementary School Students & Faculty · After School Programming · Annual School Wide
Melave Malka ·Challah Bake · Graduation Gifts · Faculty Lunches · Chanukah Concert · Faculty Mishloach
Manot · New Parents Tea & Welcome Packages · Lag B'Omer BBQ · Lev Chana Animal Show ·
Lev Chana Purim Magic Show · Lev Chana Chanukah Show · Parenting Classes · Purim Carnival ·
Rosh Chodesh Treats for Faculty · Teacher Appreciation Week · Yom Ha'atzmaut
schoolwide BBQ · Shavous Treats And Much, Much More!


We are already beginning to prepare for another year of exciting programming and are always happy when parents get involved in the PTA. Please take this opportunity to review the incredible list of programs as well as descriptions of the various committees. Please click on the link below to sign up for as many committees as you would like.  

We look forward to working with all of you! 
Thank you,

Ilana Deutsch

Atara Oppenheimer
PTA Presidium


Brief Description of Committee Responsibilities
  • After School Activities - Lev Chana & Woodmere- organize after school programming for the children and maintain class attendance lists. Representatives are required to be at school the first week of programming. 
  • Allergy Committee - meet with school officials to discuss and implement the allergy policy. 
  • Bake Sale - arrange pre-Shavuot sale, recruit bakers, package baked goods and volunteer at the sale. 
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Committee (7th grade boys and 6th grade girls, respectively) -responsibilities  include ordering food and paper goods, arranging centerpieces and music, creating invitations, contact vendors for class gifts, collecting money and setting up for the breakfast.
  • Book Fair - volunteers will be needed to help out at the book fair in school.
  • Carnival -  plan and execute a fun back to school carnival
  • Challah Bake - purchase ingredients as well as organize the special program for a night to bake challah with our children
  • Chanukah/Purim Play - (3rd grade girls) liaise with the teachers to help communicate anything regarding the plays
  • Chessed Committee - organize appropriate activities and be the liaison between families and volunteers
  • Chumash Play Liaison Boys/Girls - (2nd grade Boys and Girls) responsibilities include ordering food, paper goods  and centerpieces,  collecting money and setting up for the play. Coordinating with the faculty to see what else is needed.
  • Cookbook - recruiting bakers, compiling cookbook and recipe testers needed for this new project!
  • Gemara Breakfast - (6th grade boys) responsibilities include ordering food, paper goods and centerpieces, creating an invitation, collecting money and setting up for the breakfast. Coordinate with the faculty to see what else is needed. 
  • Graduation Committee - volunteers need to be available to set up collation the day of graduation. (8th grade parents) Parents of non 8th graders are also needed to help show people to their seats and maintain decorum.
  • Israeli Day Parade - artistic parents needed to meet with art teacher to plan beautiful banner and other art pieces for HALB to display while marching in the Celebrate Israel Parade. Committee head must be artistic/creative. 
  • Lev Chana Open House - be available the night of the open house to set up and meet prospective parents.
  • M'dor L'dor - (4th grade girls) responsibilities include ordering food, paper goods and centerpieces, creating an invitation, collecting money, creating a program and montage and setting up for the dinner. Coordinate with the faculty to see what else is needed.  
  • Melave Malka - responsibilities include planning the program, hiring the DJ and other entertainment possibilities, helping to buy paper goods, setting up Friday before,  the night of the event and more. 
  • Mishnah Siyum Committee - (4th grade Boys) responsibilities include ordering food, paper goods and centerpieces, creating an invitation, collecting money and setting up for the breakfast. Coordinate with the faculty to see what else is needed. 
  • Navi Play - (5th grade girls) liaison to the school for anything needed for the play
  • New Parents Welcome Tea and Packets - be available to pack mailing packets for new parents during the summer. Help buy paper goods and set up for the tea, which will take place in September
  • Pizza Committee - coordinators/Group Leaders/ Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help serve pizza on Wednesdays in school (Long Beach 11:10-1:30 and preschool 12-12:30). The coordinator collects names of volunteers, creates groups and a rotation for the entire school year and assigns a leader/committee head for each group. A schedule of the rotation is sent out to all. 
  • Siddur Play Liaisons Boys/Girls - (1st grade boys/girls) responsibilities include ordering food, paper goods and centerpieces, collecting money and setting up for the play. Coordinating with the faculty to see what else is needed. 
  • Sukkah Fair - (5th grade boys) liaison to the school for anything that is needed for the fair
  • Uniform Exchange - be available to make appointments before school begins and through out the year when needed, also needs to update and organize inventory. 
  • Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut - committee needs to be available to help coordinate the program at school. 
Questions? Ideas?
Interested in volunteering?
We want to hear it all!